Practicing Gratitude In Recovery: How It Can Help You

As you learn to incorporate gratitude into how you view your new life, you may find that your recovery isn’t as difficult as you once thought. Privacy Policy | Sitemap – © 2023 New Method Wellness
New Method Wellness is not affiliated with, employed by, or in contract with any treatment centers or providers. We do not accept or pay any fees or payments for behavioral health referrals. A gratitude list is a group of bullet points with things, feelings, people, or places for which you are grateful. Many sobriety programs teach you to be grateful for your sobriety. When you are truly grateful for something, it is harder for you to do the opposite.

Learning to adopt a grateful attitude takes a tremendous amount of patience and practice. According to Harvard Health Publications, gratitude ultimately will help with not only addiction recovery but the rest of life as well. Even the process of learning how to practice gratitude helps you learn the patience that you need to complete your recovery and avoid relapse. Gratitude impacts recovery by reminding you of what you have and what you’ve accomplished. This reminds you of why you adopted sobriety in the first place.

Have a Gratitude Routine

Why is feeling ‘warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received’ a pillar of sobriety? Because through humility, we find grace despite our chaotic alcoholism and addiction. We are humble to embrace our powerlessness over alcohol and drugs. We are humble to realize that we are not the center of the universe.

Many people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction have little sense of self-worth. Even if drugs or alcohol still tempt you, you missed your group session or you yelled at a dear friend — don’t beat yourself up. Encourage yourself as you focus even more fully on your recovery.

What is Gratitude?

When you’re mired in the depths of addiction, other negative situations often come along with it. Substance abuse strains relationships, impacts personal finances, and can stymie your career, among other potential barriers to happiness. Alcoholism & Anger Management: Mental Health & Addiction Gratitude in recovery comes more naturally to some people than others. If gratitude doesn’t come easily during your recovery, there are practices you can follow to retrain your mind toward this more positive outlook.

MHP trooper returns home after months of recovery – KRTV NEWS Great Falls

MHP trooper returns home after months of recovery.

Posted: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 02:25:00 GMT [source]

However, the recovery community has known the power of gratitude for a long time. More than creating a gratitude list, actively practicing gratitude has always been essential to recovery success. I have been thrown into turmoil over what I can personally do to practice gratitude for all earth has given me throughout my 78 years. After some thought, I have made a decision to serve the songbirds I remember being so plentiful when I was young but have become so much rarer now. As a child I remember the golden finches, redwing blackbirds, Baltimore orioles, and bobwhites that sang through the woods. Without much vision now, I delight in the birds still chirping in my yard.

Gratitude unshackles us from toxic emotions

That gives a sense of accomplishment, boosts self-esteem and gets things done. Break down big goals into smaller ones and mark them off your list as you complete them. Addiction keeps a person stuck in an unpleasant “now” that revolves around getting your next fix. But in recovery, it’s possible to recover hope for the future and to look forward to doing new and better things. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information.

gratitude and recovery

For instance, rather than viewing relapse as a failure, you can see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. This perspective can help you stay motivated and committed to your recovery goals, even when times are tough. Addiction strips away all the good things in life; health, happiness, contentment … you name it. Taking a moment to think about something good you have now can serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come since your addiction. Remembering the way your life was when you were addicted doesn’t have to drudge up feelings of regret or sadness.

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